Respiratory Care


Lung function test, respiratory care

UCLA Health excellence in respiratory care

At UCLA Health, 我们的呼吸治疗师在生命的每一个阶段向人们提供全面的呼吸护理. 我们提供先进的评估,治疗和预防呼吸问题. Our specialists ensure you have the best possible respiratory care, typically during  critical illness, heart disease or pulmonary (lung) disease.

Highlights of our services include:

World-renowned expertise: 我们在肺脏学(呼吸系统疾病的治疗)和肺部外科方面在全国名列前茅, according to U.S. News & World Report. You can trust our team to provide exceptional respiratory care.

Accessible care: We have specialized respiratory therapists in all areas of patient care. 我们的团队在新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)、儿科重症监护病房和所有成人重症监护病房工作. 呼吸护理也是移植项目和门诊诊所的一部分.

Advanced pulmonary function tests: 我们拥有南皇冠hga025最大的肺功能实验室之一. 我们的认证专家使用最先进的设备提供广泛的肺功能测试.

Comprehensive lung care: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的介入肺病学项目是国内为数不多的提供全面肺部服务的项目之一. 我们的呼吸治疗师协助肺部疾病的全面评估和治疗, from common to complex.

What is respiratory care?

呼吸(呼吸)护理倾向于你的心脏和肺功能的健康. Your heart and lungs are closely connected. They work together to deliver oxygen to all parts of your body.

你将从有执照和训练有素的呼吸治疗师那里接受呼吸护理. 呼吸治疗师作为医疗团队的一部分,提供心肺和重症监护服务. 他们擅长诊断、治疗和预防心肺疾病.

Diagnosing pulmonary function

我们通过各种诊断测试来帮助您了解您的肺部和呼吸道的工作情况. Our respiratory therapists identify:

  • If you have any respiratory problems or lung disease
  • How severe your disease is and whether it responds to treatments
  • If certain surgeries may put your lungs in harm’s way
  • Your risk for future lung problems given your environment or job

Pulmonary function tests

我们检查你的肺功能,并通过肺功能测试诊断肺部疾病. 我们在重症监护医院和门诊肺功能实验室都做这些测试.

Our respiratory therapists offer a wide array of tests, such as:

  • Spirometry test (how much air you can inhale and exhale)
  • Lung volume test (how much air is in your lungs)
  • Diffusion capacity test (how oxygen enters your bloodstream)
  • Exercise testing (how your cardiopulmonary function changes with activity)
  • Overnight oximetry (amount of oxygen in your blood) studies

Blood gas tests

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校圣莫尼卡医疗中心,我们在血气实验室提供动脉血气测试. Arterial blood gas tests tell us more about how your lungs work. 它们检查血液中氧气和二氧化碳的平衡以及血液的酸度水平(pH平衡)。.


我们训练有素的呼吸治疗师协助您的医生进行支气管镜检查. During a bronchoscopy, your doctor uses a thin, flexible tube with a camera to look at your lungs and airways. 这个过程可以帮助我们的团队识别和治疗呼吸系统疾病.

Conditions respiratory therapists treat

呼吸治疗师的工作是使你的心肺功能尽可能的好. 我们为所有年龄段的人提供世界一流的护理,帮助诊断和治疗:

  • 严重和危及生命的疾病,如呼吸道阻塞、胸部创伤或心力衰竭
  • Diseases that affect the lungs and airways, such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis
  • Heart conditions, which frequently develop with lung problems

Respiratory treatments we offer

我们经验丰富的团队致力于确保您的成功治疗和康复. We address your physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs. Depending on your condition, we may provide:

  • 呼吸药物,如扩宽气道的药物(支气管扩张剂)
  • 肺扩张治疗,如使用正压装置,以提高你的肺活量
  • 专门气体管理,如氧气、一氧化氮或氦气输送
  • Mechanical ventilation (machine that helps you breathe) using a mask

We may also use additional therapies, such as:

  • Speech exercises
  • Massage therapy
  • Urban Zen Integrative Therapy, 它使用替代治疗技术,如灵气(能量治疗)和精油疗法

Critical care respiratory therapy

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的重症监护病房(icu),您可以找到先进的呼吸护理。. 每个单位的专业呼吸治疗师与您的医生密切合作. 我们帮助指导您的治疗计划,并确保您的护理团队的所有成员都在同一页.

对于严重的呼吸问题,我们可能会推荐帮助你呼吸的程序. We use advanced airway management techniques, 在你的气道中放置哪些设备或管道来创造通往肺部的清晰通道. 我们也使用机械通气使用气管内(通过鼻子或嘴到气管)或气管造口管(通过颈部到气管).

We provide complete care for your heart, lung and airways in our:

Interventional Pulmonology Program

我们的介入肺科专家提供全方位的微创手术来诊断和治疗呼吸系统疾病. We commonly see people who have received worrisome diagnostic test results. 我们的呼吸治疗师与熟练的医生一起进行高级测试, including bronchoscopies and biopsies.

We typically perform interventional treatments in an outpatient setting. 我们的微创手术比传统(开放)手术恢复时间更短. We specialize in:

Airway stents: We use stents to widen and support your airway passages. 它们有助于治疗阻塞、气道薄弱和瘘管(通道之间的异常连接)。.

Bronchial thermoplasty: This treatment uses thermal energy to prevent asthma attacks.

Bronchoscopic brachytherapy: A form of radiation therapy, 近距离放射疗法使用精确的辐射照射来治疗气道中的肿瘤.

Heat and cold therapies: 热疗法(如激光)和冷疗法(如冷冻喷雾)治疗狭窄的气道或气道内的肿瘤.

Tunneled pleural (lung lining) catheters: 我们在你的胸腔里放置导管来排出肺部周围的积液.

Meet our team

我们的呼吸专家团队为我们所有的病人提供全面的护理. 我们与您的医生并肩工作,评估,治疗和监测您的呼吸和心脏健康.

Contact us

We’re here to help, from respiratory screening to diagnosis and treatment. To schedule pulmonary function tests, call 310-794-9721.

Find your care

Our skilled respiratory specialists support you throughout your treatment. To schedule pulmonary function tests, call 310-794-9721.